I don’t know what is going on with me these days .. maybe being free with nothing to do is destroying my life :: yes lahaldaraje ::, I got used to work .. I got used to be very very busy and now I have nothing to do except searching the internet for something interesting to do … I read blogs , I play stupid games, I even stare at the computer without doing anything .. the worst is that I keep THINKING ...
Watching T.V is not a very good idea since I’m not that kind of people who get themselves engaged with watching the shows and the series w hai el5orafat .. going out hanging with friends seems to be a great idea except that I don’t have a free friend to hang out with .. they’re all at WORK ..
I still have some issues that have not been solved yet .. I wish if I can just relax and throw the burden out of my shoulders … I want many things to happen w I’m waiting and waiting but nothing happens .. how long should I wait till what I dream of become true?? Thought I assure u it’s an easy thing but life with its complicated principles makes things difficult for me ..
Can we just forget what we want so bad so easily?? I’m not sure that I can .. and I can’t betray myself and the ones who care for me .. I just don’t know how can I express the anger that dwells inside me from the first day I started dreaming and dreaming of this thing .. and believe me there is one more thing that is more difficult than losing hope which is disappointment ..
I’m not writing this to say I’m sad .. I just wanted to express myself in my space ,, up till now things are somehow calm and I’m glad for this but after 2 weeks from now I know I’ll need some help … this is what I call : the sadness delayed …